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Air Pollution Facts for Kids |
Air pollution is indeed a grave and alarming issue. Here are some interesting air pollution facts for kids, which will help you explore more on the causes and the outcomes of air pollution.
We all are quite well aware about the importance of air and atmosphere around us. However, before we move to the air pollution facts for kids, let's take a detailed look at the different components and importance of air. Air is one of the major elements of our life and survival. There are many gases which comprise the air, which are 20.95% oxygen, 78.09% nitrogen, 0.039% carbon dioxide and other gases. We need oxygen to breathe, and plants need carbon dioxide to make their food by a process called photosynthesis. There are various photosynthesis facts for kids which explains the complex process of photosynthesis in much simpler terms. Now that we have learned, in brief, about the major components of air and their importance, let's see what are the air pollution facts for kids.
You must be familiar with the term air pollution. But what is air pollution? The altered level of atmospheric gases and introduction of baleful elements in the air like dust, harmful particles and other gases, industrial emissions, smoke cause air pollution. Thus, air pollution disturbs the balance of natural elements of the air and the unwanted particles or pollutants are very hazardous to human health and life on earth. Air pollution can be natural or man-made. There are a lot of factors which contribute to air pollution. Since we are talking about air pollution facts for kids, let's look into the sources and causes of air pollution.
Causes of Air Pollution
Combustion of fossil fuels causes air pollution. The three types of fossil fuels are coal, petroleum and natural gas. Fossil fuels are very essential in daily life. They are used for the production of electricity, for cooking, transportation, in industries and other purposes. The combustion of fossil fuels mainly generate a lot of carbon dioxide and water vapor. The excess level of carbon dioxide is very harmful for the environment and even the excess amount of water vapor leads to the change in atmospheric humidity.
The transportation vehicles like cars, trucks, bus, air crafts also cause air pollution. The emission of harmful gases from them, like carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, lead and other oxides leads to the pollution of air.
The emanation of gases like sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide from industries and factories also adds to a major cause for air pollution. Carbon monoxide is in a poisonous gas. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides further react with the other gases in the atmosphere which often causes acid rain.
We often have this question in mind that how does mining affect the environment. Mining indeed has a lot of adverse effects on the environment. The harmful gases and particles emitted during the mining operations, cause air pollution.
The calamitous emissions of radioactive elements also contribute to air pollution. There is a list of radioactive elements which is responsible for air pollution.
The release of harmful gases like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from volcanoes and other biological decays lead to air pollution. Even the discharge of other particulate matters from industries and mills causes air pollution.
Pertaining to the deforestation facts for kids, it also contributes to air pollution.
Now that we have covered some basic air pollution facts for kids, precisely the causes which lead to air pollution, we should know that air pollution doesn't only take place outside on roads and in industries, but also indoors; inside our homes. We need a healthy and conducive environment in our homes. But often due to the incomplete combustion of fuels (used for cooking and other purposes) and smoking of cigarettes, carbon monoxide is produced. Due to poor ventilation and air circulation, dust mites also lead to indoor air pollution.
Effects of Air Pollution
You can already well estimate that there is no positive effects of air pollution. When we talk about the effects of air pollution, we mean to term only its detrimental effects. Pertaining to air pollution facts for kids, let's see what are the effects of air pollution on the environment and the life on earth.
'Global warming'. Isn't a familiar term for you all? There are lot of interesting facts related to global warming for kids. But for now it is more important to know how air pollution leads to global warming than mere global warming facts for kids. We have already discussed that an excessive amount of carbon dioxide is released into the air for the combustion of fuels by cars and other appliances causing air pollution. Carbon dioxide and methane are known as the green house gases. They form a cocoon in the atmosphere, trapping and depleting back the heat. Thus, when lot of green house gases are present in the air, lot of heat is trapped leading to global warming.
There are various acid rain facts for kids which are also categorized under the air pollution facts. But for now, let's stick to the fact which explains how acid rain is related to air pollution. Harmful oxides of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels, combines and reacts with water vapor, oxygen and other gases of the atmosphere to form acid rain. Acid rain is very fatal to plant life, human life, soil, water and even buildings and monuments.
Air pollution can even lead to deadly diseases like emphysema, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, skin diseases and heart complications. The air pollution due to smoking often leads to lung cancer.
Ozone layer depletion is another major effect of air pollution. The ozone layer surrounds our atmosphere and protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. A gas called Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) which is used in refrigerators, coolers, air-conditioners, leads to the depletion of ozone layer.
Thus, air pollution can indeed be termed as a silent killer. The excessive amount of air pollution is destroying our environment and making the human and plant life vulnerable to extinction. There are a lot of basic measures which we all can adapt and take to cut down the extensive amount of air pollution. Some ways to prevent air pollution can be listed down.
Ways to Prevent Air Pollution
As we all know that "Charity begins at home". The first thing we can do is, make sure to minimize the usage of fuels and electricity. That way, we can contribute not only to saving energy but always minimizing air pollution.
Make sure that our parents put the cars for servicing on time. This helps in minimizing the use of fuel consumption.
Let's "Go Green". We can plant trees wherever it's feasible to. More trees will absorb greater amount of carbon dioxide in the air.
We should try and avail more of public transports. This will help reducing the air pollution.
It is essential for us to know about the air quality for kids. For a conducive and healthy environment, we should try and lessen the use of such objects which can lead to air pollution.
If you see people indulging in such activities which can lead to air pollution, make sure to let them know about it, politely!
"There's so much pollution in the air now, that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all." ~ Robert Orben.
I hope you are well aware of the basic air pollution facts for kids by now. So let's Go Green and exalt our actions against air pollution right away. There are simple ways to save the environment and even minutest contributions will benefit it. Get into the spirit and take your first step towards saving the environment, won't you?